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Tales From The Screwed and Restless
A wicked and often WRONG tale of my life in general, or a diary if you will of how a simple world can be harsh to someone that has a diffrent view.
Updates what I'm doing..
Published on January 11, 2006 By
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All of the sudden after 12 years of working after high school, I realise I need to goto college.
So after some looking, I found a place called AIUOnline. It's a online college that allows me to work and goto
school to get a degree(my first one
). www.aiuonline.com for more info..
In high school I was a B and C student.. college I'm getting A's.. go figure alot of people blame it on my age that it's been a while since I been to school.
I'm also working on a marketing thing that ties in with my degree called http://www.geekmygoals.com ... not much there now, but
I hope to use the Dojo toolkit to make some impessive stuff while selling to affiliates
Oh well.. you live, your learn.. then you work..
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