A wicked and often WRONG tale of my life in general, or a diary if you will of how a simple world can be harsh to someone that has a diffrent view.
Things I forget to do to keep sane.
Published on April 30, 2004 By kyper In Health & Medicine
After being in therapy over a year, I learned what I must do mentaly to keep from being depressed. I always look at the negative of things. I was supposed to
stop doing that, but old habits die hard. After a year of therapy the company I work for decided to go the cheap route and change health insurance on
me. After that I had to stop seeing my therapist due to him not being in network and I can't pay 200 bucks a visit.

That was half a year ago. Today I have forgotten all that I was tought to combat my depression problems. I was placed on effexor to help with it, and
I still continue to take it, but it's not a cure all I still have to fight my self about feeling bad. After a while I had 0 problems life was good, then things started
happning fast and I went from happy to depressed in record time. With no one to talk to about my problems and feeling that if I did talk people would
only view that as complaining, I started down the all well known path downward. A few things happened massivly at the start of this month. And I forgot
what to do when I feel bad. I continued to feed of the feeling for a month untill I said something about my life being bad to a co-worker. He reminded me
in a round about way that I had forgotten what I needed to do. I needed to start back slowly and fight the impulse to feed off the depression. Today I'm
still fighting. It's hard to think positive about something. It also hard to think I do good work. I am a developer for the State of Tennessee. I had
written a website called TNPAWS to allow employers to enter thier employees wages online every quarter. Since the site went live I have been bombarded
with things I have had to fix in order to get the site working. All this accumalated in to feeling that I have did bad work. In reality 15,000 empoyers have
used the site and %1 had problems (about 50 total). So I should be happy with the results, but I only see the negative and the failure. *fights with self more*

on Apr 30, 2004
Having had some exposure to the mental health field I am really astounded how poorly the funding for mental health is handled. Insurance companies that do offer mental health benefits tack it on at the end, as if they were doing you some magnanimous favor. Do they not realize these are real diseases that affect the most personal and intimate part of human beings? It really appalls me.

I admire your strength to continue fighting and working your way back up. I realize we don't know each other, but having seen very closely how depression can affect lives I just want to say I am here, as others are I am sure, who are always willing to help in any little way we can. Keep working!